The Growing Popularity of Air Purifiers

The coronavirus pandemic made all of us even more health-conscious than we already were. Suddenly, we started going the extra mile to keep ourselves and those around us safe. For millions of people around the globe, that meant investing in an air purifier.

And the upward trend of air purification isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. In fact, according to a market analysis report by Grand View Research, as of 2020, the worldwide air purifier market size was valued at $10.67 billion. Furthermore, it’s expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 10% through 2028.

The spread of viruses and the growing concern with air pollution are the main drivers behind this trend; but why exactly are air purifiers the answer? Do they work? What specifically do they do to clean our air, and importantly, how?

Why Air Purifiers are the Answer to Germy Air

Because air purification systems do so much that’s actually unseen to the eye, it can be difficult to believe that they’re as powerful as they really are.

Let’s dive into the technology at work inside your air purification unit. And in this case, we’ll use Sans as an example, for clarity.

You might think that your system can only trap particles you can see. False! Because of our HEPA 13 filter, Sans can trap particles far smaller than that, and even gases. (More on that in a minute.)

First, let’s break down the name: HEPA means “high efficiency particulate air,” and 13 means that at this level, it’s medical-grade.

The HEPA 13 filter inside your air purification system is much more powerful than you might suspect. First, we want you to consider a unit of measurement for length: the micron. A micron is equal to one millionth of a meter.

For reference, consider that the average human hair is about 90 microns thick.

Of course, your Sans unit will trap hair. However, it can also remove at least 99.97% of particles as small as 0.3 microns thick, and 99.95% of particles as small as 0.1 microns thick.

This is why air purification is so powerful. Yes, it can trap bigger particles like dust and hair. But with a unit like Sans, it’s also going to remove viruses, bacteria, and allergens (like pollen, dander, dust mites, and mold spores) from the air you breathe.

This is why, largely with protecting homes from COVID-19 as an impetus, the air purification market is skyrocketing — and not slowing down anytime soon. Plus, with the research proving that purification systems can indeed do what they claim to do, people are coming to rely on them as a means of keeping their breathing air safe and clean.

So, you’re ready to invest in a unit. Here’s the problem: Because they’ve become so popular, manufacturers have jumped on the bandwagon. And now, you have too many options to choose from.

How do you know which air purifier is going to work the best and most efficiently?

How to Select an Air Purifier That’ll Do its Job

How clean your air will be depends entirely on the inner workings of your air purification system.

Let’s break down what you need to look for, once again using Sans as an example.

In order for the technology to work efficiently, it first needs to trap the biggest particles and get them out of the way. That’s why Sans’ pre-filter is so pivotal: It’s the first layer of defense and captures larger bits like hair and dust. This allows the next layers to work more effectively.

Up next is the HEPA 13 filter, which we discussed earlier. We can’t stress enough the importance of a medical-grade HEPA 13 filter. Your unit must have this.

Third is the activated carbon filter. While the first two layers capture solid pollutants, this layer works to remove harmful gases from the air you breathe. It’ll neutralize any volatile organic compounds surrounding you — and make no mistake about it: They’re everywhere. Many people are surprised to learn that everyday cleaning products, personal care products, fabric, and furniture are guilty of bringing dangerous chemical gases into their home.

Lastly is the UV-C light. No air purifier is complete without this. After Sans does its magic and traps mold, viruses, and bacteria, the UV-C light neutralizes the pathogens and microorganisms inside the unit so that they can’t grow on the other filters and make you sick.

In other words, the previous layers capture the bad stuff, while the UV-C light ensures that the bad stuff can’t come back for you.

Do Air Purifiers Really Work?

Yes, they do — but there’s something we need to point out: Not all air purification units are created equal.

Many run-of-the-mill systems skimp on technology and give you the most basic of filters. This won’t cut it.

We really want to emphasize that part of what makes Sans so powerful is these four layers and how they each function. An air purifier that doesn’t have these elements won’t be as effective, plain and simple. The research behind medical-grade HEPA 13 filters, activated carbon filters, and UV-C light is undeniable: They raise the bar immensely when it comes to purifying the air that you breathe.

And this is why we can very confidently say that air purifiers do indeed work.

If you’re going to invest in air purification technology, then we highly recommend a unit that has these four layers of protection. This is your best defense against contaminated breathing air and why Sans is the best air purifier for at-home allergies, smoke, COVID-19, pets, dusts, and other elements in your home and/or office that are contaminating your breathing air.

It’s such a simple but powerful way to stay healthy, and you won’t even notice it’s there. Ready to take the next step? Shop with Sans today.
