How to Reduce Allergens During Spring Cleaning
Fact: Nothing is as satisfying as spring cleaning. Maybe you’ve been looking forward to decluttering your home, getting in all the nooks and crannies, and starting the season with a home that’s squeaky clean. But it’s about more than how your home looks. A big part of spring cleaning should be reducing and even eliminating allergens inside your home. Let’s talk about how you can do this!
Where Are Allergens Lurking?
In a nutshell, they’re everywhere, but here are a few specific examples:
Bedding: You sleep and sweat in your sheets for hours on end, and bedding creates a warm and damp environment. Allergens love setting up shop here. Imagine how much they can trigger your allergy symptoms, especially if they’re on your pillow case, right by your mouth and nose.
Furniture/carpeting: This is a similar situation, and it’s going to be even worse if you have pets you allow on your furniture.
Rooms with extra moisture: Laundry rooms and bathrooms are prone to moisture and added warmth, providing the perfect environment for mold growth. Mold can not only trigger an allergic reaction, but mold poisoning can be seriously dangerous for your health.
These are just the tip of the iceberg, but this is how allergens can commonly wreak havoc in your home.
Now, how can you manage your spring cleaning to address these issues?
Spring Cleaning to Target Allergens
We’re going to offer several tips for how to target every inch of your home and keep allergic reactions at bay.
Clean High to Low
Starting from the top is vital because you’re going to encounter a lot of dust, which will end up on all the surfaces beneath it. This means cleaning the top shelves, cabinets, and ceiling fans before working your way down. Using a cloth that you dampen with either water or a non-toxic cleaning solution will help you trap more of that dust rather than spread it around.
Change All Your Filters
Your HVAC system uses a filter that traps some larger particles, like dust and hair. Changing these ensures that (1) they continue to work optimally and (2) those allergens aren’t just sitting there. Depending on the amount of indoor air pollution you’re dealing with, you might need to change these more frequently. Set a reminder or mark it on your calendar so you don’t forget.
If you’re using an air purifier (which you should be!), that filter might need to be changed as well—although some devices, like the Sans air purifier—will alert you when it’s time to swap out the filter.
Remove Clutter
Not only is clutter bad for your mental health, but it provides even more surfaces for dust and other allergens to collect. Plus, bugs love dark, tight spaces, so you might find more pests in your home.
If you have a habit of collecting clutter, ask yourself, “Do I really need this? Does it bring me joy? Is it a necessity?” If yes, find a place for it. If no, say good-bye!
Clean Drapes and Curtains
Like your bedding and furniture, these can trap allergens—and the worst part is we rarely think of cleaning them.
Vacuuming them regularly with the upholstery attachment is a smart idea, but as part of your spring cleaning to-do list, take them down and run them through the washer. If you’re worried about damaging them, then take them to the dry cleaner instead.
Clean and Flip Your Mattress
First, vacuum your mattress using the upholstery attachment. Then, sprinkle a little baking soda all over it, let it sit, and then vacuum it again. The baking soda can help absorb nasty odors. If there are stains on it, you can try using a damp cloth and a little bit of hypoallergenic detergent to scrub it out.
Flipping your mattress helps protect its longevity and also prevents uneven wear from laying in the same spot night after night.
Sanitize the Dishwasher
You would think that your dishwasher is self-cleaning, but it needs your attention too! (How can a dirty dishwasher clean your plates?) You should look up cleaning tips based on the model you have, but some people put a dishwasher-safe container of white vinegar inside and then run a hot cycle. This can help with odors and grease build-up.
Also, dishwashers have filters! You should be able to carefully remove yours. Run it under hot water and gently scrub it with dish soap. You’ll be surprised by how much gunk collects there.
Wash Carpeting and Rugs
One of the last things you should do is tackle the rugs and carpet. You can take a similar approach as you do with your mattresses, sprinkle baking soda on them, and then vacuum it up. However, if you have a carpet cleaner, this will provide a much more thorough cleaning. Be sure to still vacuum first, especially if you have pets. Carpet cleaners are meant to wash and suck up the water, not vacuum. In fact, if you don’t initially remove some of that dust and fur, it’ll clog the carpet cleaning machine.
Following these tips, you’re far more likely to address allergens all around your home—stuck to your furniture and bedding, trapped in the carpet, and lingering on high-up surfaces.
Remember that allergens float around as airborne particles and you might never even see them. All the cleaning in the world won’t rid your home of them. That’s where an air purifier helps. Learn more about Sans air technology and how it can be your strongest ally for spring cleaning and beyond!